The Commissions of the VDR are responsible for handling matters in specialised areas. The Commissions and their members are appointed by the Board of Directors. Within these commissions, experts from member shipping companies exchange views with each other and VDR staff members on important current issues from their respective fields of shipping. In addition, the commissions prepare and draft statements, positions and resolutions to be adopted by the Board of Directors.
Vocational Training Commission
Chair: Rörd Braren
Reederei Rörd Braren, Kollmar
Bulker and Tanker Commission
Chair: Lars Bremer
Reederei Carl Büttner, Bremen
Finance and Tax Commission
Chair: Stefan Jüngerhans
Jüngerhans Maritime Services GmbH & Co. KG, Haren (Ems)
Ferry and Passenger Shipping Commission
Chair: Carl-Ulfert Stegmann
AG Reederei Norden-Frisia, Norderney
Communications Commission
Chair: Anette Ustrup Svendsen
Scandlines Deutschland, Hamburg
Nautical and Technical Commission
Chair: Christoph Gessner
CPO Containerschiffreederei, Hamburg
Legal and Insurance Commission
Chair: Thomas Mansfeld
Hapag-Lloyd AG, Hamburg
Social Security Commission
Chair: Arnold Lipinski
Hapag-Lloyd AG, Hamburg